
we "fainted away" at this inevitable brilliance of thought - why not dress continuously as real girls for the full four days?

Why not? There well may have been excellent reasons why not, but we would hear none of them. Our minds were closed to all but the developing and producing of a “DREAM” program.

And so the wheels began to turn. Slowly but with steadfast pur- pose we made our way forward in what was becoming a rather large venture. Our first "DREAM" was scheduled for September of 1972. The promotional literature went out in May and we waited for the "thousands" of applications. But we were to be disappointed and provided our first lesson: It takes time to sell any new program . . even a “DREAM” . . . and, yes, even to TVs.

Lambda Sigma would not be denied, for we believed in "DREAM." And so we set our minds to "DREAM" "73 and scheduled it for September of 1973.

That "DREAM” '73 was held and that it was successful is now history. Approximately 60 TVs and GGs from Canada and the United States were there. Remarkably, about one-third were from distant points east of the Mississippi. And we're very proud that the un- animous opinion seemed to be one of genuine satisfaction at the "product" they had purchased.

Most importantly, we found that the impact of "DREAM" "73 had been constructive and beneficial to the lives... indeed, marriages, too ...of those in attendance. And so, although initially not a part of our "dreaming," we now felt it important that there be a "DREAM" "74. Once again the wheels moved and, with new ideas blended with the basic "DREAM" '73 program structure, we proceeded with the development and promotion of "DREAM" "74.

This time we worried about whether we would be able to make the "encore" as enjoyable as the "first performance." We asked ourselves: would those who were at "DREAM" '73 be bored by possi- ble "repetition"? That they weren't and that "DREAM" "74 was every bit as successful as her predecessor is captured, we feel, in Roberta's happy-spirited "DREAM '74 ... For Real," which follows. We enthusiastically invite your reading . . . followed by your presence next September 15-19 at "DREAM" '75!